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Roy Crowne June Update video

‘Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.’ Mark 4:20

Over the years we have all sown seeds of the gospel into the lives of people around us. We long to see a harvest. HOPE Together is thrilled to be partnering with Thy Kingdom Come as churches across the world join in prayer leading up to Pentecost. Each person taking part in this global initiative is being encouraged to pray for five people they know to come to faith in Jesus. Pray with us that seeds sown will bear much fruit.

Roy Crowne
HOPE Together’s Executive Director

HOPE for AllHope-for-all-magazine-cover

More than 13,000 copies of our magazine, HOPE for ALL, were ordered before it went to press. Now orders are being fulfilled for churches planning summer events. The magazine is undated so you can give it away throughout the summer and autumn. Here are six ways you can use HOPE for ALL – let us know your plans

  1. Use the summer to distribute it home to home, then invite local people to an autumn course to find out about faith.
  2. Give it away at summer fetes, fairs , flower festivals and Fun Days.
  3. Holding a holiday club? Give parents a copy to take home.
  4. Praying for five people as part of Thy Kingdom Come? The magazine makes a great conversation-starter.
  5. Visit local care homes and give copies to residents.
  6. Offer the magazine to Food Bank clients.

As always, we feature topical events and famous faces alongside stories of faith from a range of different people. You can preview the magazine at – the website we’ve designed for magazine readers who want to find out more.
Order copies of HOPE for ALL while stocks last at

Youth June Update

HOPE Youth – Watch Elliot tell his story
Are there young people in your church who share their faith naturally with their peers? We have places for two young people from each church to take part in a year-long programme for young evangelists called Amplify. This is part of a year of evangelism in the UK in 2020. Visit the Advance 2020 website to find out more.

The Talking Jesus confidence-booster
More than 30,000 people have learned to talk naturally and confidently about Jesus in the past year. The Talking Jesus course has been running in churches across the spectrum of denominations in villages, towns and cities. Polly Wingate-Saul has recently completed the six-session course in the Bristol area and says it has helped boost confidence and build a stronger church community.‘The course made me more confident about my own faith,’ she said, ‘I have found myself being more proactive about having conversations.’ Also, she said that the course had brought people in her church closer together as they shared their experiences of how they had come to faith. ‘There were people I had known through church for a number of years but whose stories I had never heard,’ she added.
Order the Talking Jesus course and course booklets here.
Coventry churches at Motofest
Churches linked through HOPE Coventry were out demonstrating God’s love for their city last weekend as part of HOPE@Motofest. The annual Motofest attracts 150,000 people. From a prime location, HOPE Coventry provided free activities to show God’s love for the city and its people. These included free children’s activities; a white car for doodling Messages of Hope; Healing on the Streets; a HOPE Arena with banners proclaiming ‘HOPE Coventry – city churches working together;’ Christian bands performing on both afternoons, and a united prayer gathering bringing together churches from across Coventry. The event is due to be featured on Songs of Praise on 28 July.
Evangelism in your area in 2020?
How can we serve you as you plan mission in words and action together in your area for 2020. Contact the HOPE office if you would like a speaker for an event, or if we can support you in any way.
Remembrance resourcesScreenshot 2019-06-05 at 15.20

Looking ahead to Remembrance Sunday, we would like to know if your church would want to order copies of ‘Silence’, the booklet we published in 2018 as a giveaway for Remembrance services. The 30,000 copies printed last year sold out. If there is sufficient demand, we will reprint it for 2019. If you would want copies, please email us to say how many copies you might order.

The Shropshire Hope Team