Who we are

The Shropshire Hope Organising Team comprises:

  • Pauline Mack* –  Chair of Shropshire Hope and CEO Yellow Ribbon,
  • Dave Matthias – Senior Elder of Barnabas Community Church, Shrewsbury
  • Leslie Burke* – Pastor of Telford Elim Community Church
  • Geoff Nankivell* – Recently Chair of Churches Together in Oswestry & District
  • Jane Newey – Pray for Schools England Co-ordinator
  • Mark Savill* – Leader of the North Shropshire Methodist Youth Choir
  • Sarah Kaul- Senior leader of Lighthouse Church and Food Pantry project
  • Rev Andy Ackroyd- Team Vicar in Shropshire and Rural Dean

* denotes a Trustee of Shropshire Hope

Our “Council of Reference” includes:

  • Rt. Revd. Alistair Magowan – Anglican Bishop of Ludlow
  • Rt. Revd. Mark Davies – Roman Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury
  • Revd. Steve Faber – Moderator West Midlands URC Synod
  • Revd. Rachel Parkinson – Chair, Methodist Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District
  • Revd. Alison Mackay – Regional Minister, Heart of England Baptist Association

We are very grateful to our Council of Reference for their wisdom, support and practical assistance.